Directed by Prof. Enrico Conte and coordinated by Prof. Antonello Troncone, this area manages the activites for landslides stabilization and monitoring and for the mitigation of the seismic and hydrogeological risk. The geotechnical area holds a laboratory for the identification and mechanical characterization of the soil properties and equipment for on-site geophysical analysis. Because of their research activities, the engineers belonging to this area have developed advanced modeling capabilities so they can work whit mulyi-physical models based on FEM and FDM methods.
SIRIA - Servizi Integrati e Ricerca per l'Ambiente, Sede Sociale: Ponte Pietro Bucci, cubo 15d, 87036, Rende, (CS)
Partita IVA: 03301880781, Tel:0984492017, Fax: 0984492041