The skills of this compartment, directed by Prof. Salvatore Straface, are related to the hydrdynamic and hydrodispersive characterization of  heterogeneous aquifers, flow and transport modeling of reactive substances in both saturated and unsaturated porous media, brownfield remediation, predictive models validation, superficial and groundwater hydrologic balance, innovative solutions for several enviromental issues. The environmental engineering area is equipped whith the latest hydrogeophysical instrumentation, powerful modeling codes and a laboratory for the development of scaled physical models, in order to check the validity of new techniques for soil and aquifer remediation. 

 SIRIA - Servizi Integrati e Ricerca per l'Ambiente, Sede Sociale: Ponte Pietro Bucci, cubo 15d, 87036, Rende, (CS)
Partita IVA: 03301880781, Tel:0984492017, Fax: 0984492041

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